Hello and welcome to my website portfolio. Here you can find the projects I have been working on that have allowed me to expand my skills and knowledge in web development.
I have been learning web development over the past few months after becoming interested in creating my own website, which has led to the development of my website Green Living. I have been learning through self-study, online courses, Codebar and attending meet-up events.
Through working on my Green Living website I have been able to increase my confidence in using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as expand my skills to learn Python and Django to create a custom made Custom Management System (CMS) which has been invaluable to help me continue expanding my site further.
I have also been able to become increasingly more familiar with HTML and CSS with my other projects such as the Land Connexions website, this website (Felicity.codes) and my Codepen Unravelling Fern. The Codepen Unravelling Fern allowed me also to explore animation and the potential capabilities of pure CSS.
For my Codepen Cookie To-do list I was able to expand my skills further by studying React as a way to organise code and create a sophiscated interactive User Interface. For this I created the app locally and then copied the code into a pen on Codepen so others were able to view it on the Codepen platform.
I have particularly enjoyed the creative and design aspects of web development in my own projects so far. Through my projects I have taken design inspiration from sites such as Dribbble, Behance and Codepen to keep up-to-date with the latest design trends, as well as drawing ingenuity from experienced designers on user interface problems. Through each project I have carefully considered colour schemes and fonts, and have used Adobe Color and Google Fonts to explore how different combinations compliment one another and branding.
For further explanation about each of projects, please check out each of my projects on the home page.